
Navigating Migraine: A Guide To Top 10 Triggers

migraine relief in Pataskala

Do you always feel guilty about letting down friends or family because you had to bow out of social gatherings due to a migraine episode? Can you relate to the struggle of trying to explain to others that a migraine is not just a "bad headache" but an all-encompassing, debilitating experience? Have you ever had to make a tough choice between taking migraine medication or enduring the pain and discomfort of an episode, hoping they will soon go away? Do you know how to cope better with your condition and find lasting migraine relief in Pataskala? What are your triggers? Below are 10 known migraine triggers and practical strategies to help you cope better.

#1. Stress: The Silent Aggressor

Stress is a major migraine trigger, affecting a big chunk of migraine sufferers. The never-ending cycle of stress and migraines can be exhausting. Identify stressors in your life and work on reducing them. Techniques like relaxation therapy, meditation, exercise, and maintaining a consistent sleep schedule can help manage stress and reduce its impact on migraines.

#2. Irregular Sleep Patterns: The Sleep Disruptor

Irregular sleep schedules can trigger migraines, especially if you're not getting enough rest. Many migraines occur between 4:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m., making sleep patterns even more critical. Aim for 7-8 hours of sleep each night and follow a consistent sleep schedule. Avoid distractions like screens in bed, and resist daytime naps.

#3. Hormones: Monthly Migraine

Women often experience "menstrual migraines" due to hormonal fluctuations during their menstrual cycle. Consult a specialist for options to help stabilize hormone levels and reduce the risk of menstrual migraines.

#4. Caffeine and Alcohol: Double-Edged Swords

Caffeine can trigger or worsen migraine symptoms, but some report drinking a cup of coffee helps relieve their symptoms. This usually depends on the person. Moderation is essential, and observing your symptoms closely can also help. Know your limits with alcohol and be mindful of your body's signals. If you notice migraine warning signs after drinking, hydrate adequately and take your prescribed medication when needed.

#5. Weather: The Unpredictable Factor

Weather changes like storms and extreme heat are common migraine triggers. High humidity and heat can also lead to dehydration, compounding the risk. When unfavorable weather conditions strike, consider staying indoors or adjusting your schedule. Plan outdoor activities during cooler times of the day.

#6. Diet: Culinary Culprits

Certain foods, like those high in histamine, MSG, chocolate, dairy, artificial sweeteners, caffeine, and cured meats, are known to trigger migraines. Identify your specific food triggers and avoid them whenever possible. Some people adopt a migraine-friendly diet to reduce their risk.

#7. Dehydration: The Sneaky Culprit

Dehydration triggers migraines in about one-third of sufferers. Even mild dehydration can lead to severe head pain. Carry a water bottle, track your fluid intake, and reduce diuretic consumption. Sometimes, simply drinking water can stop a migraine in its tracks.

#8. Light: The Sensory Challenge

Photophobia, a sensitivity to light, is common among migraine sufferers. Bright natural light and fluorescent or flickering bulbs can be problematic. Wear sunglasses outdoors and avoid flickering lights or glare indoors. Greenlight is less likely to trigger migraines, so consider using green-tinted bulbs or glasses.

#9. Smell: The Olfactory Trigger

Strong odors can activate migraine-triggering nerve receptors in the nasal passages. Ask friends and coworkers to avoid strong fragrances. Steer clear of perfumes, potent food smells, chemicals, or gasoline.

#10. Medication Overuse: The Paradoxical Effects

Ironically, using acute migraine medications too frequently can lead to more frequent migraine attacks. If you suspect this, consult your doctor to know what alternative remedies you can use.

migraine relief in Pataskala

Natural Migraine Relief in Pataskala: Upper Cervical Care

Many don't realize this, but upper cervical misalignment can contribute to migraines. Injuries, accidents, and stress are common causes of such misalignment. Upper Cervical Care focuses on correcting upper neck misalignments. This method may relieve migraines, particularly those stemming from cervical issues. 

If you're seeking migraine relief in Pataskala, exploring Upper Cervical Care could be a valuable option and may offer hope and relief to migraine sufferers. Don't let migraines dictate your days; take charge, identify your triggers, and seek the relief you deserve. Book a visit to our office today, and we will do our best to help you find relief from your pain and discomfort. You deserve a life free from migraine's debilitating grip. Let us help you.


To schedule a consultation with Dr. Claggett, call our Pataskala office at 740-951-0011. You can also click the button below.

If you are outside of the local area, you can find an Upper Cervical Doctor near you at www.uppercervicalawareness.com.

Discover the surprising connection between neck pain and migraines, as we delve into the intricacies of both symptoms. Uncover why these often-overlooked health woes are more common than you might think and explore the relationship between your neck and head. Get ready for a journey into holistic healing as your dedicated chiropractor in Pataskala shares essential insights that can help restore your overall wellness.

It's time to say goodbye to your migraine. Consult Dr. David M. Claggett of Genesis Chiropractic to learn how to alleviate your symptoms. Call us at  740-951-0011 or click the button below.

kids, natural relief for migraine in Pataskala

Do you want your children to have fun playing and exploring the world around them? Of course, you do! But what about the inevitable accidents that come with all the running, jumping, and climbing involved in being a kid? While some injuries may seem minor, did you know that they can actually have lasting effects on your children's health, including the development of migraines? That's right! As parents, it's important to be aware of how childhood injuries can impact our children's health and seek the appropriate care to prevent long-term effects. 

Learn more about migraine in children and how you can provide natural relief for migraine in Pataskala by seeking the help of Genesis Chiropractic.


The Link Between Childhood Injuries and Migraines

Migraines are a common type of headache that can cause severe pain, nausea, and sensitivity to light and sound. While they are often thought of as a problem for adults, migraines can also affect children, with up to 10% of school-aged kids experiencing them. But could playground accidents be to blame for these migraines? As an Upper Cervical doctor, I have seen many cases where childhood injuries have contributed to migraines later in life. Let's explore this topic further.

Many childhood injuries involve the head and neck, including falls, sports injuries, and car accidents. These injuries can cause misalignments in the upper cervical spine, which can disrupt nerve function and blood flow in the brain. Over time, this can lead to chronic tension in the neck and head, which can trigger migraines.

Additionally, children who experience traumatic events, such as abuse, neglect, or bullying, may be at higher risk for developing migraines. These events can trigger changes in brain chemistry and lead to increased stress and tension, which can contribute to migraine development.

How to Identify Childhood Injuries That Could Lead to Migraines

It's not always easy to identify childhood injuries that could lead to migraines later in life, as symptoms may not appear until years after the injury. However, some signs that your child may have experienced a head or neck injury include:

If your child has experienced any of these symptoms, it's important to consult with an Upper Cervical doctor to rule out any underlying injuries that could be contributing to their migraines.


How Upper Cervical Care Can Help

Upper Cervical care is a specialized form of chiropractic care that focuses on the alignment of the upper cervical spine. By gently adjusting misalignments in this area, an Upper Cervical doctor can help restore proper nerve function and blood flow in the brain, reducing tension and inflammation that can trigger migraines.

Additionally, Upper Cervical care can help address other factors that contribute to migraines, such as poor posture, stress, and dietary triggers. By providing guidance on lifestyle changes and stress-reducing techniques, an Upper Cervical doctor can help support your child's overall health and well-being, reducing the frequency and intensity of their migraines.

kids, natural relief for migraine in Pataskala

Work Closely with Dr. Claggett of Genesis Chiropractic

As parents, it's natural to want to protect our children from harm. However, accidents and injuries are a part of life, and they can have lasting effects on our children's health. If your child is experiencing migraines, it's important to consider the role that childhood injuries could be playing in their development. By consulting with an Upper Cervical Chiropractic like Genesis Chiropractic, you can help your child find relief from migraines and support their overall health and well-being for years to come.

Book your child’s appointment with our Upper Cervical Chiropractic office today!


To schedule a consultation with Dr. Claggett, call our Pataskala office at 740-951-0011. You can also click the button below.

If you are outside of the local area, you can find an Upper Cervical Doctor near you at www.uppercervicalawareness.com.

If you suffer from migraines, you know how difficult it can be to manage the various symptoms that come with them. From mild discomfort to excruciating pain, migraines can significantly impact your quality of life. That's why we've put together a list of the six most debilitating migraine symptoms. Our aim is to provide you with valuable insights and information that will help you better manage your migraines and take control of your life. Learn everything you need to know from your trusted Pataskala Upper Cervical Chiropractor!

It's time to say goodbye to your migraine. Consult Dr. David M. Claggett of Genesis Chiropractic to learn how to alleviate your symptoms. Call us at 740-951-0011 or click the button below.

Despite not causing pain like classic migraines, silent migraines are just as debilitating and troubling. If you want to know more about this condition, we've got seven facts about silent migraines to share with you! Our Pataskala upper cervical chiropractor also knows of a way to achieve natural relief for any migraine.

It's time to say goodbye to your migraine. Consult Dr. David M. Claggett of Genesis Chiropractic to learn how you can alleviate your symptom. Call us at 740-951-0011 or click the button below.

nearest migraine chiropractor based in Pataskala

Migraine has become a common condition that people tend to take it lightly. Some people even think that it's just a regular headache. But you'll be surprised by how many people suffer from migraine if you visit the nearest migraine chiropractor based in Pataskala. And no, it's not a regular headache; it's beyond that. Headaches are one symptom people living with migraines tend to complain about. However, it may not always be present.

Migraine is known to be the third most common disease in the world. According to the review published in The Journal of Headache and Pain, evidence suggests that 52% of the global population is affected by a headache disorder every year and a whopping 14% report migraines. In the US alone, at least 39 million Americans are living with migraines, as the American Migraine Foundation estimates. However, the actual number can be higher because many people do not get a diagnosis or any treatment they need.


A migraine is beyond a headache.

You cannot easily tell the difference if you have not experienced migraines yet. So let us give you more information about migraine to help you understand this condition better.

Living with a migraine, you usually experience severe pain accompanied by throbbing on one or both sides of your head. Migraine is a debilitating health condition that usually guarantees to ruin your day. In addition, if someone from your family suffers from a migraine, there is a big chance that you will get it too. This is because migraine can be passed on through your genes.

Apart from headaches, migraine is usually accompanied by other symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, light, sound, and smell sensitivity, and even episodes of vertigo. If you're one of the unlucky ones who get chronic migraine episodes, you will benefit from visiting the nearest chiropractor in Pataskala. They can provide a personalized care regimen to match your needs.

Migraine can happen to anyone. However, women are three times more likely to experience migraine than men. This is due to several factors and triggers. But men and children also suffer from crippling migraine episodes.


Types of Migraines

There are two types of migraines:

Migraine Without Aura

This is the more common type of migraine, which does not include any warning symptoms that can tell you a migraine attack will happen soon.

Migraine With Aura

Albeit less common, it still comes with debilitating symptoms. This type of migraine show warning symptoms through visual disturbances, including flashing lights or curved lines, which you experience at least an hour or so before your migraine fully attacks.

Common Migraine Triggers

The exact cause of migraine remains unknown, so many people match their episodes to possible triggers. That way, they can seek proper care and will have a better understanding of their condition. Below are some of the typical migraine triggers we know so far:


This is probably the big reason women experience migraines more than men. Fluctuating estrogen levels in women can trigger a series of symptoms, including migraine-related headaches. Women experience fluctuating hormone levels regularly because of their menstrual cycle. Pregnancy also causes a rise and drop in hormones and the menopause period. As a result, some women, unfortunately, experience migraine attacks every month due to their period.

Poor sleep quality

Poor sleep quality, lack of sleep, or interrupted sleep are all recipes for a migraine episode. Getting a good night's sleep is essential to repair your body cells and give you enough energy for the next day. It's also crucial in improving your mood and reducing the impact of a migraine episode. Therefore, maintaining a proper sleep schedule is essential to your health. If you've been experiencing sleep problems, raise that concern by going to the nearest migraine chiropractor based in Pataskala.


Even mild dehydration levels can trigger migraine episodes in those suffering from chronic migraine. Therefore, consuming the recommended daily amount of water is recommended to avoid dehydration and migraine.


Caffeine has been a part of life for many people, but it's also a significant contributor to migraine episodes, especially for those who overconsume caffeine daily. Caffeine is present in several beverages, including coffee, tea, and soda. Limiting your consumption of such drinks and switching to healthier options may feel necessary.

If you've been consuming caffeine regularly, we do not recommend immediately stopping your intake because it can also prompt migraine attacks. Best to gradually cut down your caffeine intake, eventually reducing your migraine episodes.

Poor diet

Having no regular schedule or skipping meals can prompt a migraine episode. Your blood sugar tends to drop when you have not eaten and can influence migraine episodes. Food products and ingredients are also known to trigger migraines, such as sweet or sugary food and food products containing tyramine.


Stress is a part of life. But consistently high levels of stress should not be happening. If you tend to experience high-stress levels regularly, you may need to find ways to manage and eventually lower your stress levels. Meditation, breathing exercises, aromatherapy, massage, and listening to music can help effectively lower your stress levels. Find the best one that works for you.


Weather changes and disturbances can trigger migraine episodes; sadly, there is no way to control this. Altitude, humidity levels, barometric pressure, and the sun can trigger migraine episodes. If you're one of those who experience migraines due to the weather, keeping updated with the report and avoiding the outdoors during extreme weather conditions may be helpful.

Medication overuse

If you've recently started taking specific medications and noticed an onset of symptoms pointing to migraines, you might want to talk to your doctor about it. If it's a prescription medication, you may need to explore various options to get the right one for you. Ask your doctor's opinion so you can switch to a new drug or adjust the dosage.

Upper cervical spine misalignment

Due to the rising cases of migraine, upper cervical chiropractic doctors have noticed a pattern where upper cervical spine misalignments lead to migraines. Unfortunately, this is not something you can notice by yourself as you will need an expert to confirm this. Fortunately, there is also a higher demand for upper cervical care to help manage conditions such as migraine.


Upper Cervical Care For Migraine

If this is your first time hearing about Upper Cervical Care, it's a branch of chiropractic care that deals only with your upper cervical spine or the top two bones in your neck - the C1 and C2. When these bones shift out of alignment, it can trigger migraine and other symptoms. This is because these bones protect the brainstem, responsible for sending messages and signals to and from the brain. When the brainstem endures excessive pressure and stress, it sends incorrect signals to the brain, leading to migraine attacks. 

When you visit the nearest migraine chiropractor based in Pataskala, they recommend correcting the misalignment of your upper cervical spine using a non-invasive, generally safe, and gentle procedure to move your bones back. Some patients claim to experience significant improvement in as few as one or two visits to an upper cervical chiropractor.


Call Your Nearest Migraine Chiropractor based in Pataskala 

If you suspect a spine misalignment is the mystery reason for your migraine, you should not wait any longer. Instead, consult with Dr. David M. Claggett of Genesis Chiropractic. Let a passionate and caring chiropractic doctor who aims to help as many people as possible unlock your wellness potential. He has received certification in technique and philosophy through Advanced HIO Knee Chest and Upper Cervical Revolution.

Time to bid your migraine episodes goodbye. Call us today at (740) 951-0011 or visit our website to fill out a contact form.


To schedule a consultation with Dr. Claggett, call our Pataskala office at 740-951-0011. You can also click the button below.

If you are outside of the local area, you can find an Upper Cervical Doctor near you at www.uppercervicalawareness.com.

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